Featured Video: Recreating the Kato Unitrack H0 "Yard Job One" Layout

Featured Video: Recreating the Kato Unitrack H0 "Yard Job One" Layout

This demonstration shows how to recreate the Kato Unitrack H0 sample layout "Yard Job One" in RailModeller Pro using only a (mediocre) image from the catalog.

You can get the sample track set at www.katousa.com/HO/Unitrack/.


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In this video, we also show how to

  • Use a simple baseboard to outline an area in the drawing canvas the layout will occupy
  • Import background images into a track plan
  • Use the Auto-colorize assistant to quickly colorize tracks in the layout to be easily distinguishable
  • Make use of built-in productivity boosters like the repeat function, drag-copy, and toggle the connected joint.

..as well as using various other handy functions built into our track planning app.

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